Monday, February 2, 2015

View from the Summit

Perhaps you can see further from the top; but only if clarity permits.

My recent Summit Experience let me see the obvious; I most likely won’t be staying too much longer at my “fun” job.  It’s just a store; it takes lots of time; I’ve missed out on some actual fishing; and I’m not getting a whole lot of credible experience that will have any real impact on future employment options.  I want to fish more, not necessarily work more, and I don’t like being subject to the seduction of “stuff.”

I can consider my original missions to have been well accomplished.  In reality, this has lasted longer, and the rewards have been greater, than I had originally expected.  But it might be time to manage my exit.  I do, after all, need something (fishing related) for the rest of this winter; but the next open-water season will surely beckon hard.

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