Monday, March 7, 2016

Muskie Banquet!

A and I have been together for almost 35 years, and this past weekend we did something new.  We went to a Muskie Banquet!

As I've eased into the sport, I've relied on the teachings and expertise of many others.  While nothing beats time on the water, reading and watching pretty much everything available on muskies has been an important part of my ongoing education and preparation for improving as a muskie angler.  One can't do too much of this type of research without encountering the strong Catch and Release ethos of virtually all muskie anglers; they are my kindred spirits.  Moreover, I strongly identify with the Youth and Education outreach efforts of the their flagship organization (Muskies Inc.)  It's been a natural progression for me to join and maintain my membership with them (I am really not a "joiner"), and then this year to earmark a few extra dollars for their causes.

When the timing of my membership renewal triggered an invitation from the local chapter to their annual fundraising event, the prospect of spending a dark late-winter's evening surrounded by like-minded fish hounds had some appeal.  A and I were soon booked to attend.

We were both experiencing some momentary regret as the prospect of 2+hours of winter driving and the idea of spending time with dozens of strangers was upon us.  But we did go, and it was a good night!  I could easily say that I'm feeling 38% better about spending my time and money with this group, because this local chapter accounts for this percentage of state muskellunge stocking funds.  The evening also included a talk about Muskellunge Genetics in Michigan, and this was both interesting and informative.  I learned that I should definitely be fishing H Lake, I made a couple of serious Lake St. Clair contacts,  and I even won a couple of prizes.  The evening provided both tangible and intangible fuel for my late-winter daydreams, and it spawned a new, local fishing project for me; I am on a quest for an L Lake pike!  More on that, later!

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