Tuesday, March 22, 2016

"Fluctuat nec Mergitur"

Buffeted by the heaving Sea, but does not Sink!


So much (and yet, really nothing) has happened since I first drafted this in November 2015.  Many more shootings and defenseless killings, the targeting of our Thin Blue Line, Trump and Flint; and today, Brussels. While I've little control or influence over these events, I take solace in simply trying to be a nice, reliable person in the midst of our current tempest.


Charlie Hebdo recently had the unfortunate opportunity to share the motto of Paris, and I am a sucker for mottoes, phrases and maxims.  I have tried to avoid religion and politics in my writings here, and it has been easy to do so to date.  These spheres are somewhat less interesting to me, after all, as I've focused on more personal matters, like hobbies and relationships with those I care about.  

And yet, my recent exposure to this phrase reminds me that this touches what my blog is all about.  I am looking for those defining Core Essentials.  Those elements in life that make us better folks and provide meaningful purpose for our time.  I've easily settled on parenting, family, community, opportunity, enthusiastic participation, observation and thought.  Throw in a good share of fun, fishing and laughter, and one (in my humble opinion) should not need not much else.  

But the call to arms following Paris was immediate.  These calls seemed to most quickly erupt from Christians Concerned about Coffee Cups ("Koffee Kup Kristians?") or those Mentally Deranged Enough to Think They Could/Should/Will Lead this country with righteous unanimity towards their version of a simple resolution for our current complicated and longstanding relations.  And all this in response to probably not even the worst thing to have happened in the world on this day; just, perhaps, the worst thing our western ears were tuned to.***

Meanwhile my youngest is sponsoring her second TEDx event with a simple theme of Bursting Bubbles.  What can she do to remove the barriers between folks, especially the unnecessary and self-imposed ones?  Bless her youth, because she sees clearly the benefits, challenges and opportunities of thoughtfully exposing oneself to new perspectives.  Another relative concurrently considers in response to Paris, what can she do?   She and her friends offer various support and ideas; and they are all correct. 

The events in Paris and the following hullabaloo seemed to be all about religion and politics.  I am not.  But for a brief moment, I may have understood something.    This won't be about winning or defeating.  It will be about absorbing; pain, attack and refugees without hope.   It will be about sharing; grief, resources and ideas.  It will be about offering: simple hope, for all.  I know that to choose these things, instead of mightily lashing out, is the better choice.  It might not be attractive, sexy or fun; but it's better.

I feel a surprising, personal spark of Christianity in ruminating this.  Not in a church-going sense, but rather as a reminder of a how-to-conduct-oneself sense.  And Christ was human, first and foremost, so I guess I really feel Human about this.  And more than I am angry or righteous or vengeful, I am saddened.  My sadness is less for the physical victims of this crime (and their families) than it is for those with an open lust for instant retaliation.  I hope we are allowed a moment to absorb this, to see ourselves, to see ourselves in this world at this time.  At least before we decisively and righteously fan the flames and just make things worse.  That would be so easy, and yet so wrong for everyone I love.  And for those I don't,  too, but with whom I seek long term mutually beneficial coexistence, a coexistence that accommodates at least all who are younger than I.

"Fluctuat nec Mergitur"; this is how I often feel.  Seas are rarely calm, and I know I will never defeat her.  That doesn't mean I can't enjoy my time with her.  

"Fluctuat nec Mergitur"; this might show up on the stern of a future boat of mine.

***(7 Billion People)* (Poverty Rate for Children) + Daily_Frequency(Abuse of those without Power by those with it) >>> Parisian Suffering

(Note; of course, since this was originally drafted we've had San Bernadino.  More craziness, more victims, more hate and all the more reason to act and live according to a higher standard.)  

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