Tuesday, March 17, 2015


This is all harmless and in good fun, but I have to admit that I am enjoying my recent "TheMancipation."  The invisible force behind the retailing efforts (as opposed to the value-added outfitting efforts), the unseen face behind all the outdated procedures and inefficiencies, and in general anything misguided at the store became known, to me and a couple of friends, as The Man.  He generally benefited from my efforts.  He called the shots.  He controlled my schedule.  Before I embarked on personal projects, I'd have to clear it with The Man.  The Man had squelched many spontaneous opportunities.  

I can't help but think of my recent, voluntary departure, as least in part, as TheMancipation.  I am now (more) free (at last) to do as I please with my time.   I have probably done nothing of note or importance with this additional time, but it's been nice to simply be back home.  And I do hope to have my tackle in tip-top condition when the ice clears (which actually seems possible at this point.)

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