I’m often asking myself, and wondering about others, “Are
you Survivin’, Thrivin’, or Jivin’?” Are
you simply getting through the day, or maybe progressing towards a desired
goal/contributing to society, or are you struggling to keep your head above
water, but bull-sh**ing about your real status?
I’m probably doing all three at once, 24/7. Well, maybe not jivin’ while I’m sleeping,
because when are we more honest than when we’re asleep? But which of these conditions rises to the
top at any given moment? And where is
this leading?
Let’s start with Survivin’.
It’s the necessary foundation for the possibility of anything better and
more fulfilling for oneself, but who wants to live in the basement? We all want to move on up! Perhaps my first philosophical insight was my
recognition and acceptance of (perhaps my own version of) Maslow’s Hierarch of
Needs. First things first, take care of
one’s need to survive. Eat, sleep, reproduce;
hopefully in a context of some comfort and safety. Then consider interacting with, and caring
about, others. Fun and Love aren’t
really possible until basic survival has been addressed to a fairly
compassionate level.
What percent of a given day/week/year/life is spent on
simple survival issues? Probably 100% if
you’re a cave man, orphan, refugee or hostage; but in this day and age, I’d
like to think that we should all aspire to, and have opportunity for, a
condition beyond simple survival.
I think those (positive) conditions encompass what I mean when
I mention Thrivin’. Thrivin’ is probably
a totally individualized concept, different for each of us at any given time,
but basically, What do you want to
accomplish? What do you enjoy? What do you want? What keeps you going? These pursuits provide individual meaning and
purpose while providing collective benefits.
Keep your eyes on the prize, and practice Relentless Positive
But what percent of a given day/week/year/life is available
to nurture thrivin’? I’m an extremely fortunate individual; my
value here is pretty high. Some readers
might be thinking, “Too high; distract this guy with some time-consuming
problems!” Can we simply recognize that
this is the Good Part of Life; but that it’s only possible to sustain^ when our survivin’ has already been taken care
of? And that we have to be honest with
ourselves here, and not dismiss any costs of our selfish pursuits?
Because Jivin’ is simply being dishonest, whether it’s with
oneself or publicly. The source of this
dishonesty is either blind pursuit of our desires, or simple pride. Either can get in the way of a true
assessment of our condition, or take away from our Thrivin’. Jivin’ encompasses all the negative
conditions that can threaten our ability to thrive.
Be honest with yourself (if you can*); what percent of a given day/week/year/life
has been wasted on jivin’?
So, am I Survivin’,
Thrivin’, or Jivin’? It depends on
when the question is asked, but if I’m awake, I’m undoubtedly doing all
three. I do promise to try to Minimize
the Jive and Maximize the Thrive. I’ll
keep Jackie Darwin’s Thrivin’ of the Survivin’est and Jackie Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs in mind. I wish
the same for you, too.
^And here’s the rub. If it’s not sustainable, it’s probably not
good in the long run. Or, it’s at
somebody else’s cost.
I probably can’t. I suspect we are all
partially blind to our subtle dishonesties.
But that’s probably part of our genetic code; not getting bogged down in
considering the consequences of all our actions is likely a key to our
survival. And that’s where it all
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