Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fishmonger Ditty

Fishmonger Ditty

Simply because, like the famous Movie Producers from my home town, I believe it's necessary to keep the "Three Stooges" alive and pertinent to today's youth, friends, and fishing partners, I hereby record my recollection of their classic Sales Pitch as Fishmongers:

“We’ve got…

Rock cod, sea bass, albacore and pickerel,
Sand dab, yellowtail, tunafish and mackerel,
Bluefish, sailfish, carp and tarpon and
If you wish,
Swordfish, whitefish, herring and gefilte fish…

And that ain’t all!”

I've kept a copy of this in my boat for years, and have, on occasion, resorted to a dramatic reading of this ditty when the fishing's slow.  If one repeats it for long enough, usually a fish will strike.

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