Saturday, September 7, 2013

2nd Half-Century

I just crossed the threshold into my 2nd Half-Century, and while most of the recent public talk has been about the 50th Anniversary of MLK Jr.’s March on Washington, I’d like to point out that he’s not the only one to have a dream.  Mine are more limited in scope, for sure, and many are just budding for me.  They are less well-articulated, but they are close to my heart, and I hope that my pursuit of them accomplishes some good along the way.

I, of course, dream of the best for my girls, even though I probably can’t define what “best” for them might be.  The providence of genetics and nurturing is largely complete, but I still have a role in enabling Stability and Opportunity in their lives.  I simply wish for their happiness as productive adults, surrounded by loving companions.  I wish for a future filled with interesting pursuits that provide for their growth in a safe, healthy environment.  I hope to remain their friend.

Not just my girls, but all my younger relatives and friends and their cohorts should have the opportunity to prosper.  At some point we need to get away from our collective short-sightedness and self-centered interests and decide to build a stable future that provides some real opportunities.   Here in Michigan, we should be preparing to build George Jetson’s car instead of fumbling along like Oliver Wendell Douglas in Green Acres.  We should be able to look slightly past the opportunities provided by the use of sticks and twigs as fuel and demolition of blight as a growth industry, and focus our attention and resources on education, service, and quality of life issues.

Mostly, I dream of A’s companionship and the fun to be had.  I dream of a boat in the water, an amenable nap schedule, some good meals and books, and lots of exploration and poking around.

On a fun but somewhat unnecessary note, some occasional blue water excitement (including occasional calm seas, warmth and a few new species?) would be nice.  This actually seems possible, given my efforts in retailing and outfitting for the past 7 months.  Maybe I even dream of these efforts spreading into other areas, getting out of my cubicle, and enjoying a future that involves some more time on the water.

Enough of dreams; here’s some reality.  I started off my 2nd Half-Century with an unlikely, quasi-spontaneous trip to Florida with my youngest daughter.  We’d talked for years about various Father-Daughter Trips, but we’d never actually executed one.   I knew we’d be alone this Labor Day Weekend (my other girls were in Maine), and a quick review of the Venn Diagram of Our Interests showed an intersection dominated by roller coasters and snorkeling.  So, supported in large part by funds from my second, fun job, we flew off on my 50th birthday to Orlando for 3 Days, 5 Parks and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

It was generally awesome to share time alone with her, and this trip was a very well-earned reward for her general goodness and strength of effort.  I felt stupid for even thinking about traveling to Florida at the height of Hurricane Season, but in the end, all logistics worked out perfectly, crowds weren’t so bad, we did everything we wanted, and most of all it was FUN!  The best part of each experience was the sound of her laughter and the sight of her smile, and I was able to enjoy these things even more because the trip was focused on our companionship.  Not much else mattered, and the typical distractions and pressures of other trips (such as driving, fishing logistics and expectations, juggling multiple schedules, etc.) were minimized.  In addition to being fun, this trip was relaxing; and somehow I came back home rested and recharged.  I should remember this formula!

M in typical Florida mood and ready to go!

Underwater Selfie!
We took a break to visit the aviary and were visited by these two Sunny Conures.

Sharks!  Just Nurse Sharks, but still Sharks!

A typical encounter in crystal clear water; Cow-nose Ray, Look-down Jack and a Blue Surgeon.

  • Three days
  • Five parks
  • Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Well, I can’t quite check off this last item.  But Marie and I did spend half an hour or more underwater with 70-pound aerated helmets on a Sea Adventure, walking around on the “ocean” floor while viewing hundreds of fish (bony and cartilaginous!) and various invertebrates.  I’ve been a huge fan of Jules Verne since I discovered reading, and while this experience wasn’t 100% Authentic (safety, oversight and boundaries did, after all, rule over flat-out adventure and collecting our dinner), it was a cool experience that I shouldn’t have waited 50 years for.  And I might have swum 20,000 leagues in my full day of snorkeling; at least that’s what my body is telling me.

Underwater with a Photo-Hogfish

Hogfish and Porkfish, with Jacks and Grunts in the background.

A beautiful Perth Mint Surgeon.


  1. Looks like you're set for entering the next half-century! Great post!
