Sunday, February 10, 2013

Easily Amused

It seems so long ago, and in our current dark winter's night, the thought of active frogs seems so remote...

One beautiful evening last August or so I was walking the dog, when I came across a likely candidate for a "poor sap" nomination.  My nominee had a kid's spin-cast rig and was headed out on a shallow, weed-infested public dock.  I love to fish, and yet I'm always surprised to see so many others who must love it more.  They use misdirected tackle and techniques in such unlikely spots; there's no way I'd spend much of my time in such low-yield pursuits.  But they're having fun, or at least are fishing, while I watch.

Oliver and I continued with our walk, reversed our course, and finally came upon the "fisherman".  As I approached, I could see that he was teasing frogs into attacking his small rubber (hookless) worm.  At this point, I was thinking that he was a bio professor at one of our local colleges.  Further discussion with him indicated that he didn't have a clue about what kind of frogs they were.   He admitted to simply playing with them.  They were his family's "pets".  He admitted to being very easily amused.

Bull frog - from the web!

Leopard frog - from the web!

Pickerel frog - from the web!
Green frog - from the web!

He had originally stricken a chord of pity, but now he seemed like a super nice guy with simple motivations.  He was enjoying a beautiful evening out, he seemed happy, and here I was, engrossed with watching his efforts and the frogs.

So who's Easily Amused?