Sunday, November 5, 2017

Crap Done or Crapped On?

What did she just say?  Both my boss and I did a double-take; this was real.  

A third party had just commented on my work.  But had she said that she could see "that (I) am obviously used to getting crap done?"  Or, had she said what I thought I'd heard, that she could see "that (I) am obviously used to getting crapped on?"

It makes all the difference; and exactly how is one supposed to respond?

After an awkward silence, I ventured an "Excuse me?  I'm not sure I understand."  She offered some examples, unknowingly clarifying herself, and it became clear that everything was okay.  The rest of the day went swimmingly.  This little, near miscommunication was a non-factor.  But my boss and I convened later in the day to review what we both really thought we'd heard and share a laugh.

Oh well, just a lesson that even kind intentions can go awry; and that what matters most is how our words are received, not how they are intended or thought to have been delivered.  And, it pays to take a moment of reflection before responding; there's no sense in escalating a conflict that isn't there.

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