Sunday, September 24, 2017

In Celebration of a Better Work Schedule

With my recent relocation and work adjustment, I have been able to work on a "Flex Schedule" for the first time.  This gives me every other Monday "off" in return for slightly longer work days for the rest of the pay period.  I'm working the same amount, but now my work days have been reduced by 10%, while my "off" days have increased by about 25%.  I've tried to make the most of this situation; I am certainly getting used to it!  

But before such an arrangement seems normal or mundane, I'd like to take the opportunity to celebrate what this time has allowed me to do.  Here are some pictures, in chronological order, of each of my "Flex" days so far:

A Monday on Lake St. Clair; Check This Out!   The Premiere Flex Day featured a 6-pound smallmouth bass, a large and scrappy catfish, and bonus white bass and walleyes!


Who can argue with Fun Family Fishing for panfish at Kensington Metropark?  For details -  go here!

A day on Traverse Bay is always rewarding; details are here!


An entire week of Maine Fireworks!


Reeds Lake comfort and fun is discussed here!

M with her first bass in a while!  What details there are... are Here!


A week of work in Baltimore, a family week of travel and a Sesquicentennial Striper; it's mostly a blur, but certainly included a sanctioned Flex Day in there, somewhere!  Read all about it! - Here!

The bass fishing wasn't great, but this fine pike was a welcome by-catch of my Lake St. Clair offshore drop-shotting efforts.  For a summary of another weekday crack at this fishery, Look Here!


OK, I'm cheating little bit here.  I'm not sure which day was the official "Flex Day", but when combined with a couple of vacation days and a trip North, good things happen every day!  Here's the Summary!

Each day has been filled with adventure (big or small), and each has produced noteworthy fish and/or experience.  What a gift!

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