Saturday, September 30, 2017

On Being from Rhode Island

I've been gone for over 35 years, but Home is always Home.  I couldn't wait to leave back then, but can now appreciate Rhode Island's unique offerings and her (occasionally positive) influence on me.  I recently grabbed this screen shot from an on-line fishing video that was "featuring" the salt-water fishing opportunities of Little Rhody's shoreline; none of these seemed to exist in my youth.  Regardless, I thought it captured the depths to which Rhode Island is misunderstood and under-appreciated.  But that's okay, because what's more natural or easier than that?

Sunday, September 24, 2017

In Celebration of a Better Work Schedule

With my recent relocation and work adjustment, I have been able to work on a "Flex Schedule" for the first time.  This gives me every other Monday "off" in return for slightly longer work days for the rest of the pay period.  I'm working the same amount, but now my work days have been reduced by 10%, while my "off" days have increased by about 25%.  I've tried to make the most of this situation; I am certainly getting used to it!  

But before such an arrangement seems normal or mundane, I'd like to take the opportunity to celebrate what this time has allowed me to do.  Here are some pictures, in chronological order, of each of my "Flex" days so far:

A Monday on Lake St. Clair; Check This Out!   The Premiere Flex Day featured a 6-pound smallmouth bass, a large and scrappy catfish, and bonus white bass and walleyes!


Who can argue with Fun Family Fishing for panfish at Kensington Metropark?  For details -  go here!

A day on Traverse Bay is always rewarding; details are here!


An entire week of Maine Fireworks!


Reeds Lake comfort and fun is discussed here!

M with her first bass in a while!  What details there are... are Here!


A week of work in Baltimore, a family week of travel and a Sesquicentennial Striper; it's mostly a blur, but certainly included a sanctioned Flex Day in there, somewhere!  Read all about it! - Here!

The bass fishing wasn't great, but this fine pike was a welcome by-catch of my Lake St. Clair offshore drop-shotting efforts.  For a summary of another weekday crack at this fishery, Look Here!


OK, I'm cheating little bit here.  I'm not sure which day was the official "Flex Day", but when combined with a couple of vacation days and a trip North, good things happen every day!  Here's the Summary!

Each day has been filled with adventure (big or small), and each has produced noteworthy fish and/or experience.  What a gift!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Road Trip - Including Maine Fun 2017.02

The second half of August, 2017 was a whirlwind of life on the road. A combination of work, opportunity and family had me in Baltimore, Charlottesville, Boston, Portland and Providence before I could start heading home.  I managed to enjoy each stop; I had a fine couple of weeks.  Here are a few pictures capturing some aspects of the trip.

I stepped off the light rail train at Camden Yards in Baltimore.  Of course, the O's were in Texas, but it was still nice to see this beautiful park in person.  Plus, the official keepers of the National Lampoon "Vacation" series of movies "liked" this pic when I hash-tagged "Clark Griswold", having arrived to a closed attraction.

I expected Eutaw Street, between Camden's right field fence and the Oriole's office, to be bustling on a beautiful weeknight.  But, without the O's in town, it was pretty much deserted.

Each Major League home run that finds Eutaw Street is commemorated with a plaque.  I looked for, and found, Red Sox' Jackie Bradley, Jr.'s marker for a blast he hit (and that I witnessed on earlier this season; I believe it was No. 49 to reach Eutaw Street in the 25-year history of Camden Yards.  Here's his temporary mark, right where I thought it would be!  Based on a couple of nearby, permanent markers, the ball travelled about 413 feet.

Camden Yards from Eutaw Street; I am about 410 feet from home plate, and I'm elevated at least 25 feet from the playing surface.  There's a smattering of plaques behind me, too, including David Ortiz at 416 and 420 feet; and Ken Griffey, Jr. at over 440 feet and off the wall of the building across the street.  Wow!

Walking around Baltimore felt like swimming through soup for a week, but Virginia's Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park afforded some comfortably fresh air, as well as a good meal, some nice views, deer and fox sightings, and was part of a very agreeable visit with my Mom.

All together in Boston, we walked past Fenway Park.  The Sox were elsewhere, and that was okay, because we had fun, anyway!

This sign looms over the left field wall at Fenway and is unusually mesmerizing at night games.  Its likeness adorns my new hat, a very nice gift from my daughter, K.

Great breakfast, a walk on the beach, and all together in Maine; things are good!

The stripers cooperated nicely during our few days in Maine.  For the most part, they weren't too big, but they did provide a lot of action!

Striper No. 150 for 2017 was my largest of the year at 28.75 inches.

M was happy and excited to move into her new dorm in Providence!

Buffalo, New York is a frequent staging area for us as we travel between New England and Michigan.  Quite often we end up staying at a particular, privately-owned hotel.  It's very nice, in it's own way, but it is filled with the original owner's personality and memorabilia.  Regardless, this is good news from Rocky.

As always and regardless of the fun, it's nice to be home.  Our back yard is our current sanctuary, and what is more peaceful than watching a whitetail fawn suckle?

Of course this doesn't even come close to the important parts of the trip; learning some new skills and meeting new folks for work, cruising with loved ones on a fairly loose schedule, scoring some extra time with the kids, and sharing lots of good food with nary a problem along the way.  It was a good couple of weeks!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Century Mark!

I arrived in Maine with a simple fishing goal; to catch six more stripers during my relatively brief stay.  These six would bring me to The Century Mark, i.e., 100 Stripers caught for the season.  Not bad for a guy from Michigan!  And let's face it, I'm willing to recognize and celebrate just about any fun milestone, however artificial it might be.

Conditions upon our mid-day arrival were clear, bright and windy, and the tide was unfavorably high for good fishing.  But after a quick stop at The Tackle Shop for bait (sand-worms and frozen mackerel), I was down at the dock by 1:30 PM.

It was unusually windy in Portland, Maine on August 22, 2017.  The flags were stiff as I cast my lines.

Weeds made casting lures impossible, and bait fishing was difficult, at best.  By 2:30 PM and having encountered virtually no sign of sea life, I was smart enough to call it (temporarily) quits.  I snuck in a quick nap while awaiting more favorable conditions.

By 4 PM, at least the late, ebbing tide was more favorable, and the weeds were largely dissipated.  I caught two stripers (16 and 20 inches) on worms right away, and then I enjoyed a slow stream of steady action.  While most fish preferred the worms, a couple ate small chunks of mackerel off the bottom.  At about 6:50 PM, August 22, 2017, my float and worm went down, and Striper No. 100 for 2017 hit the deck!

Here's my Century Mark for the 2017 Striper Season!

Mission accomplished; but even better, I still had two or three full days of fishing ahead of me!