Monday, April 25, 2016

Goals Accomplished

Not that any of this matters in the least, but I've actually reached several of my stated/written fishing goals for the 2016 season!  Local bass fishing has been solid so far, and the trip to Florida provided lots of fish and several new species (snook and sea-trout, as well as "lesser" others.)  It's kind of fun to dream, act and accomplish!  As for myself, I'm not necessarily used to such straightforward results.

I reached two goals in one day recently, when I caught both a 6-pound bass and a 20-pound "bag" (i.e., the combined virtual weight of my five biggest "keepers" of the day; all fish were immediately released.)  These are stretch goals for me, here, and while I recognize that these outcomes are a bit correlated, having occurred on the same day, I still enjoyed reaching them.  Now, I will simply have to build on this success by stretching and reaching again.

Three of the bass contributing to my 20-pound "bag"; the largest was captured on video instead of stills.  Oops!

I've plenty of other goals for my version of a successful season.  I'll keep you posted on my progress (or lack there-of.)  Enjoy!

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