I’m recalling the Early Summer of 2013; the store was
buzzing. The Fishing Department was
crushing it, and I was filled with energy.
A potential customer was holding back as I dealt with another. As I finished with the first, I turned to the
next, and we easily slid into a long conversation about Great Lakes fishing. “Doctor
M” was looking to try it out, and wanted to get set with the basics. We spent an enjoyable hour and a half or so
getting him set up with a couple of downriggers, rod holders, a couple of
complete trolling outfits, basic lures and a few necessary accessories (dipsey divers, swivels, net, etc.) Doctor M was a notable customer with his obvious
honesty, enthusiasm, and willingness to listen and part with (more than) a few bucks. And it turned out that we are veritable neighbors,
so we exchanged contact information, too.
I was pleasantly surprised when I returned for my next shift
and I was enthusiastically greeted by my manager. Dr. M had completed an on-line survey
regarding his store experience and could not have been nicer or more specific about
our interaction. I got a handshake and a
few dollars bonus, and the department and the store got a little corporate
recognition. The Man got a prolific
customer and Dr. M got a chance to scratch that itch, the itch of a fisherman
recently introduced to Great Lakes Fishing.
We crossed paths a couple of times at the store (his cart was always full and we always
shared fishing strategies!), and I got to check out his boat on the trailer
in his driveway. He’d done a good job of
mounting the riggers and holders and maximizing his available cockpit
area. All indications were that he was
enjoying himself and catching a few fish, but we were never able to get our
schedules aligned to fish together.
Another season passed, and I was pleased to learn (through a surprise common acquaintance) at
a school function in the Fall of 2014 that Dr. M had purchased a new boat. But the real surprise was that Dr. M had
purchased not just a boat, but a 37-foot yacht, was going to keep it at GH, and
was looking to upgrade his Great Lakes fishing experience.
Dr. M called me in the early Spring of 2015 (I’d just left the store) with some
questions about electronics. He was
on-board with radar and chart-plotting, he’d just purchased a temperature
down-probe, and he had a digital depth meter; did he really need sonar? He was balking at spending any more money,
and while I left the choice to him, I argued that for a few hundred more
dollars he could know what was (or
perhaps more importantly, was not) under him. And then we both got predictably busy, missed
out on a couple of short-notice opportunities to connect on the water, and
generally proceeded with our respective lives.
I’d just about decided that I’d declined one too many
invitations and had been dropped from his list, when I received a text message from
Dr. M at work, with a fishing opportunity that evening. It’s been unseasonably hot and the fishing
has reportedly been very sporadic (if not
down-right slow), but I was open. I took care of a few things, grabbed some
deep-water gear, and presented myself at his home at 3:30 PM. Our mutual acquaintance arrived, we all
climbed into the SUV, and we spent the commute sharing fishing stories,
reviewing the day’s on-line data of lake conditions, and discussing
strategies. We were soon on-board.
37 Feet, just waiting for me. |
Getting ready and looking comfortable. |
I am not used to fishing in such comfort! A yacht doesn’t protect t you from biting
flies (the night’s only negative),
and to be honest I’m not used to netting fish from such a height, but I was
super pleased with how the boat handled itself, trolled down, how it was rigged
(locally designed and milled rod holders),
and just how fishable it was. As for the
fishing, it exceeded my expectations for the night (see this), we all got along
and seem compatible, and there have been future plans made for derbies and
Leaving Grand Haven behind us. |
Team-work. Concentration. Real Men doing Real Work. |
Nice night! |
The specifics don’t matter, but this is why I’d gotten
involved with C’s; to share some expertise, stories and enthusiasm, to meet
some new fishing companions, to share some time on the water and to
catch some fish. Success!
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