Monday, April 8, 2013

Values as Yet Uncaptured by Language

“Our ability to perceive quality in nature begins, as in art, with the pretty. It expands through successive stages of the beautiful to values as yet uncaptured by language.” – Aldo Leopold

A while back, I received this quote at work.  Against all established and published procedures, the sender had attached the quote to her signature block.  The content of the email itself was most likely meaningless, but the quote captured me enough for me to keep it; and I’ve recently verified the source as Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac (and Sketches Here and There).

I’ve been at this blogging thing for about a year now, and (surprisingly) I’ve reached lots of folks across the globe (at least according to the Stat Tracker provided by Blogger) while truly enjoying myself.  Yet, here, once again, I find myself at Numenon’s starting point, courtesy of Mr. Leopold.

I find comfort in his words.  I know I’ve been unable to clearly articulate all thoughts, all the time.  But I’d like to think that some of what I’ve tried to express has been at least on the edges of Leopold’s territory.  Values as yet uncaptured by language; I’m doing my best, but perfection is likely impossible.  I can see it; I can feel it; I can live it; I just can’t say it.

To continue this entry along these lines would be hubristic; I simply wish that you enjoy (and appreciate!) your next outdoor opportunity.

Glacier National Park

Yellowstone Lake

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