Grand Opening is past.
The new store is now a reality and will be a fixture and influence in
the community for a long time. It’s been
quite a ride getting ready for this event, so long in the making.
I’ve been too busy to collect my thoughts in any coherent
manner. Let’s just say that I know what
I’ll be doing most upcoming nights and weekends. “I’m gonna pop some tags!” (whatever that means) in my new role as “Tacklemore.” So
far, the experience on the floor has generally been “f-bomb awesome!”
Who’d have thunk that my new retail experiences would have
coincided with the popularity of Internet phenom “Macklemore? “ Or
that the Fishing Department would include (dare I say, feature?) a co-worker dubbed by a customer last evening as “Li’l
Life imitating Art;
a personal favorite. And at least my internal
“Tacklemore” sound track can override the incessant country music pumped
through the store.
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