Monday, October 17, 2016

50 Shades of Green

There's so much I like about this picture, including the crisp fall lighting, a pretty decent weekday pike in hand, and a friendly photographer back in the boat after a long absence.    Cheers! to capturing these 50 Shades of Green!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Maine Musings

I recently returned from a trip to Maine; all the fishing details are here.  I rushed through capturing those so as not to lose them, but having done so, I can can definitively say that while they might accurately capture the fishing events, they fall short in capturing the true essence of the trip.  And that's what this entire blogging endeavor is all about!

That is perhaps best captured in my youngest daughter's pride and happiness with her new home at the college of her choosing.  That's why we had made the trip.  But the importance of the trip to me was also captured by individual moments that deserve to be noted:

  • Completing a couple of hot and dirty tasks for those whom I care about;
  • Noticing the distinct phosphorescence of the bay's water as I retrieved my lure on the darkest of the New Moon mornings;
  • Catching my first Birthday and September Stripers;
  • Exploring some new areas and finding new favorites;
  • Being proud to leave my youngest daughter in her new community at 2 PM, but having my oldest daughter fall asleep in my arms by 4 PM as we watched a Red Sox game on TV;
  • Sharing simple meals in beautiful settings; 
  • Sharing fishing time with friends, old and new; and
  • Quietly holding hands with A as we covered a couple of thousand miles in our safe, reliable vehicle.

And of course there was the fishing!  

These travels marked the end of the Raising Kids at Home portion of our lives and the commencement of Our Future.  Getting there will also be a long haul, but the real importance of this new journey will be embodied by the things I notice and appreciate along the way.  Let there be many!

Casco Bay