Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hybrid Vigor!

I was quite excited to finally get out on the water with the new sonar installed on Numenon!  It has been a long winter with the boat silent in the garage, and the new sonar in the box.  But it has finally been successfully installed, and this week I got out a couple of times to try her out.  I even fished a little bit, too!

I have long been a Lowrance guy, but I couldn't refuse the offer on this Humminbird 998 with side imaging.  I had been super impressed by the couple of side imaging units I'd been exposed to on the water, and I was convinced this would make Numenon more powerful and effective.  When I got positive reviews on this unit from a respected co-worker, I took the purchasing plunge.

Color arrives  aboard Numenon.  Nice initial impression with clarity, brightness and display size.

Side Imaging!  It looks like there’s a fish about 80 feet to starboard.

Numenon’s bow received an upgrade, too, when the original Lowrance from the console was transplanted there.  I now have hundreds of waypoints up front.  And while she looks a little boring and tired, this unit was better than the color units of the day.

Ollie is full of hybrid vigor, as you can see here.  I’m quite certain he expresses the best of the Shiatsu and Japanese Chin breeds.  He can be a real Shiatty Chin, but he can also be a pleasant fishing companion.

As I moved the boat north and parallel to shore in front of the ramp, the protruding point to the south of the ramp and the barrier at the ramp’s end were clearly displayed on the side imaging view.  There might be a few suspended fish to the left, too.

Lake M Landing, as viewed by mere mortals.

With the Humminbird’s installation on Numenon, my loyalties to Lowrance may have been compromised, but I’m hoping to enjoy the fruits of hybrid vigor.  Improved function through the introduction of desirable traits; who can argue with that?  Maybe I’ll experience increased fish yields through her increased heterosis, or maybe she’ll be fit for service for longer.

Just to show that I can still occasionally fish, here are a coupe, of pictures from my first real fishing effort of the Esox season.  No muskies, yet, but I'm ready.  And while this 32-inch pike or so wasn't the muskie of my dreams, such a fish is welcome aboard at any time.
This nice pike fell to a Bucher Shallow Raider twitch bait.  Not a muskie, but still a really nice fish, and the first one to meet the Humminbird.
Is there anything more beautiful on a spring morning than a mature pike?